to investigate the mechanism of toxicity from diverse chemicals including therapeutic reagents, environmental toxicants, and food supplements, as well as the endogenous physiological responses to these toxic stimuli.
의약품 및 유해화학물질의 독성 기전/ 건강 유해영향을 규명하고 화학물질 위해성 평가를 수행하여, 생활 중 노출되는 다양한 유해인자에 의한 만성질환 발병과 악화를 최소화하고자 함
Brief Research Experience
Director, Hanyang University ERICA Campus Animal Facility (2019~)
Assistant/ Associate/ Full professor in College of Pharmacy, Hanyang University (2011~)
> 110 peer-reviewed scientific articles in top journals in fields of Toxicology, Pharmacology, and Medicines.
Funding sources:National Research Foundation of Korea/ Ministry of Environment/ Ministry of Food and Drug Safety/ BK21 Four research center
국무총리실 산하 식품안전위원회(2015~)
과기부 과총 국민생활과학자문단
식약처 위해성평가위원회, 중앙약사심의위원회
환경부 생활화학제품 관리위원회
경기도 환경보건위원회
ERICA 실험동물센터장(2019~)
Stroke, Particle Fibre Toxicol, Arch Toxicol, APSB 등 독성학, 순환학, 약학 분야 상위 저널 논문 등 SCI 논문 110여편
국내외 저서/ 특허등록/ 기술이전 등
2022 WBF 석오생명과학자상/ 2021 여성가족부 장관표창/ 2018 한국산학연협회 표창 등 수상
Research Areas
Toxicology/ Preventive pharmacy/ Public health
Identification of hazard/ risk of various chemicals
Evaluation of toxic effects with underlying mechanisms on vascular/ blood systems