


Il Yup Chung 정일엽 교수

Research Keywords
  • #eosinophils #asthma #allergy #MUC5AC #Short chain fatty acids #EET #epithelial cells #platelets #airway diseases #lysophospholipids
  • #호산구 #천식 #알레르기 #점막단백 유전자 #짧은사슬지방산 #호산구세포외덫 #기도상피세포 #혈소판 #기도질환 #지질대사체
Research Objectives
  • Eosinophil biology
  • Identification of triggers of eosinophil extracellular trap
  • Identification of new functions of lysophosphatidylserine
  • Regulation of mucin expression in airway epithelial cells
  • Counterbalance of mucin expression by short chain fatty acids
  • 호산구생물학
  • 호산구세포외덫 유도 염증매개물질 발굴
  • 지질대사체의 신규기능 발굴
  • 기도상피세포에서 점막단백 유전자 발현 조절
  • 짧은사슬지방산에 의한 점막단백유전자 발현 제어
Brief Research Experience
  • Publications of top-rated articles related to eosinophils and allergy in the last 5 years
  • Basic research funds from NRF for last 25 years
  • Collaboration with Respiratory and Allergic Department
  • Collaboration with faculties from the same department
  • 호산구, 알레르기, 점막단백질유전자 발현 조절 등에 관련 상위 25% 논문 다수 출판
  • 한구연구재단으로부터 25년 이상 기초연구 과제 수행 중
  • 호흡기 알레르기 내과 교수와 공동연구 진행 중
  • 학과 교수와 공동 연구 진행 중
Research Areas
  • Identification of eosinophil extracellular DNA trap and its mechanism by lysophosphatidylserine as therapeutic target and biomarker for severe asthma
  • Formation of eosinophil extracellular trap induced by activated platelets: Identification of pathological role for platelets in allergic inflammation
  • 난치성 천식에서 호산구세포외덫의 역할과 치료표적으로서의 가치 탐색
  • 호산구세포외덫 유도염증물질 동정
  • 짧은사슬지방산에 의한 점막단백발현 제어 기전 연구
  • Sim MS, Kim HJ, Bae I, Kim C, HS Chang, Lee DH, Choi Y, Park HS, Chung IY. (2023) Calcium ionophore-activated platelets induce eosinophil extracellular trap. Allergol Int., Ahead of print
  • Sim MS, Kim HJ, Jo SH, Kim C, Chung IY. (2022) Lysophosphatidylserine induces MUC5AC production via the feedforward regulation of the TACE-EGFR-ERK pathway in airway epithelial cells in a receptor-independent manner. Int J Mol Sci., 23: 3866
  • Kim HJ, Sim MS, Lee DH, Kim C, Choi Y, Park HS, Chung IY. (2020) Lysophosphatidylserine induces eosinophil extracellular trap formation and degranulation: Implications in severe asthma. Allergy, 73: 3159-3170
  • Karam K, Kim HJ, Binas B, Kang JH, Chung IY. (2018) Inflammatory mediators ATP and S100A12 activate the NLRP3 inflammasome to induce MUC5AC production in airway epithelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 503: 657-664
  • Hwang SM, Kim HJ, Kim SM, Jung Y, Park SW, Chung IY. (2018) Lysophosphatidylserine receptor P2Y10: A G-protein coupled receptor that mediates eosinophil degranulation. Clin Exp Allergy, 48: 990-999
Research Topics