Seung Yong Hwang 황승용 교수
- Research Keywords
- 연구키워드
- #Hazadous chemicals #Exposome #Multi-omics #Bioinformatics #Environmental disease #Biomarker #Toxicity Evaluation
- #환경유해인자 #익스포좀 #멀티오믹스 #생물정보학 #환경성질환 #생체지표 #독성평가
- Research Objectives
- 연구목표
- Development of biomarkers for early prediction of atopic dermatitis due to exposure to environmental harmful factors
- Multiomics analysis based on human material
- Cytotoxicity evaluation
- Cell line-based omics production and analysis
- Understanding the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
- 환경유해인자 노출에 의한 아토피피부염 조기 예측 생체지표 개발
인체유래물 기반의 멀티오믹스 분석
세포 독성 평가
세포주 기반의 오믹스 생산 및 분석
아토피 피부염 발병 기전 이해
- Brief Research Experience
- 주요경력
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
- Bio venture start-up and operation: GenoCheck Co., Ltd., BioCore Co., Ltd.
- Published 179 international SCIE papers
- Served as president of the Society: The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics, the Korean BioChip Society
- Served as Editor-in-Chief (SCIE): BioChip Journal
- Editor-in-Chief (SCIE): Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
- Supreme Prosecutor's Office Scientific Investigation Advisory Committee
- Research Deliberation Member, National Institute of Forensic Sciences
- Deliberation Member of the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (Origin Inspection Act)
- Served as the head of the Korea Exposome Research Center (Ministry of Environment)
- 박사후연구원, Stanford University
- 바이오벤처 창업 및 운영: ㈜지노첵, 바이오코아㈜
- 국제 SCIE 논문 179편 발표
- 학회장 역임: 대한독성유전단백체학회, 한국바이오칩학회
- 편집위원장(SCIE) 역임: BioChip Journal
- 편집위원장(SCIE): Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
- 대검찰청 과학수사 자문위원
- 국립과학수사연구원 연구심의위원
- 국립농산물품질관리원 원산지검정법 심의위원
- 환경부 한국익스포좀연구단 단장 역임
- Research Areas
- 연구분야
- Development of biomarkers for early prediction of atopic dermatitis using multi-omics technology
- 멀티오믹스 기술을 이용한 아토피피부염 조기 예측 생체 지표 개발
- Research Topics
- 연구내용
- Multiomics analysis based on human material
- Analysis of multiomics data constructed using umbilical cord blood samples/samples of a 36-month-old baby/samples of mother
- comparative analysis of each result
- Cytotoxicity evaluation
- Proceed with cytotoxicity evaluation using Primary Cell
- Check the effect of volatile organic compounds and heavy metals on atopic dermatitis among various substances of air pollution
- Proceed in consideration of single/combined exposure
- Cell line-based omics production and analysis
- Omics data production and analysis using samples with significant results based on cytotoxicity evaluation
- mRNA-seq data construction
- Targeted methyl-seq data construction
- Understanding the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
- Investigating the effects of exposure to environmental harmful factors on the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis through various data
- Understanding the difference between genetic predisposition and environmental factors through various data