


Seung-Woo Son 손승우 교수

  • DepartmentDepartmentProf. Department of Applied Physics, College of Science and Convergence Technology
  • E-mailE-mailsonswoo@hanyang.ac.kr
  • Office PhoneOffice Phone031-400-5473
  • HomepageHomepagehttp://csg.hanyang.ac.kr
  • 학과/직책학과/직책과학기술융합대학 응용물리학과 / 교수
  • 이메일이메일sonswoo@hanyang.ac.kr
  • 전화번호전화번호031-400-5473
  • 홈페이지홈페이지http://csg.hanyang.ac.kr
Research Keywords
  • #Complex Networks #Brain Networks #Bio Big Data #Artificial Intelligence
  • #복잡계 네트워크 #빅데이터 #인공신경망 
Research Objectives
  • Revealing multiplex network properties and functions of bio networks such as brain networks
  • 바이오 네트워크의 다층적 특성 연구
Brief Research Experience
  • Mid-Career Researcher Program of NRF Korea (2020.03-2023.02) "Study on applications of signed directed complex networks"
  • Mid-Career Researcher Program of NRF Korea (2023.03-2026.02) "Studies on extended network representation and stability of synchronization“
  • Korea-Canada Cooperative Development Program of NRF Korea (2018.07-2022.06) "Statistical physics approaches on human brain activities“
  • Yong-Bong Prize in Statistical Physics Division, Korean Physical Society (2016.04, Daejeon, Korea)
  • TJ Park Young Assistant Professors Science Fellowship (2015.01-2016.12)
  • BK21FOUR Bionano Intelligence Education & Research, Bio Data Engineer Education Center, AI Convergence Research Center
Research Areas
  • Complex systems, Data science, Statistical physics, Artificial neural networks
  • 복잡계, 데이터과학, 통계물리, 인공신경망
  • Lee, M., Kim, J.-H., Goh, K.-I., Lee, S. H., Son, S.-W., Lee, D.-S. (2022) Degree distributions under general node removal: Power-law or Poisson?, Physical Review E 106, 064309.
  • Kim, J. H. et al. (2022) Nanoscale physical unclonable function labels based on block copolymer self-assembly, Nature Electronics 5, 433.
  • Korchinski, D., Orlandi, J., Son, S.-W., Davidsen, J. (2021) Criticality in spreading processes without timescale separationand the critical brain hypothesis, Physical Review X 11, 021059.
  • Oh, S. M., Son, S.-W., Kahng, B. (2021) Percolation transitions in growing networks under achlioptas processes: Analytic solutions, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 146, 110889.
  • Song, T., Kim, H., Son, S.-W., Jo, J. (2020) Synchronization of active rotators interacting with environment", Physical Review E 101, 022613.
Research Topics
  • Research on phase transition of complex networks and utilization of artificial neural networks
  • 복잡계 네트워크의 상전이와 인공신경망 활용 연구