


Mijin Lee 이미진 교수

  • DepartmentDepartmentProf. Department of Applied Physics, College of Science and Convergence Technology / Professor
  • E-mailE-mailmijinlee@hanyang.ac.k
  • Office PhoneOffice Phone031-400-5484
  • HomepageHomepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/mijin-lee
Research Keywords
  • #Statistical Physics #Complex Systems #Network Science #Data Science #Optimization #Dynamical Systems
  • #통계물리학 #복잡계 과학 #네트워크 #데이터과학 #최적화 #동역학 시스템
Research Objectives
  • Understanding the mechanism of the metabolism organization, Contagion process in complex networks, Analysis of various emergent phenomena based on statistical physics and network science approaches
  • 신진대사 형성 매커니즘 이해, 여러 구조를 지닌 접촉 네트워크 위에서 감염병 확산 패턴 등, 다양한 창발 현상을통계물리학과 네트워트 과학 접근법을 기반으로 분석
Brief Research Experience
  • Young Researcher Program of NRF Korea, “Network approach to understanding the underlying mechanism of the growth of metabolic networks and predicting on the lethality of chemical reactions” (2021~present)
  • Fostering Next-generation Researchers Program, Post-Doc Domestic and Overseas Training, “Study on the lethality of metabolic reactions via network structure” (2018~2019)
  • 2019 Prize for WISET-KPS Young Physicist, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) Fall conference, October 2019.
  • 2019 Best Presentation Award, Roles of Heterogeneity in Non-equilibrium collective dynamics (RHINO 2019), July 2019.
  • 2016 Prize for Excellent Female Graduate Students of Korean Physical Society, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) Fall conference, October 2016.
  • 한양대학교 응용물리학과 조교수 (교육전담) (2020~현재)
  • 인하대학교 물리학과 박사후연구원 (2017~2020)
  • 연구재단 우수신진연구 “신진대사 연결망의 형성 매커니즘의 이해와 연결망 위에서 화학 반응의 치명도 예측” 수행 (2021~현재)
  • 연구재단 박사후국내연수 “연결망 구조를 활용한 신진대사 내 화학반응의 치명도 연구” 수행 (2018~2019)
Research Areas
  • Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Network Science
  • 통계물리학, 네트워크 과학, 복잡계 과학
  • 1. Lee, M. J., Kim, J.-H., Goh, K.-I., Lee, S. H., Son, S.-W., and Lee, D.-S. (2022) "Degree distributions under general node removal: Power-law or Poisson?", Physical Review E 106, 064309.
  • 2. Lee, M. J., Lee, E., Lee, B., Jeong, H. Jeong, Lee, D.-S., Lee, S. H. (2021) "Uncovering Hidden Dependency in Weighted Networks via Information Entropy", Physical Review
  • Research 3, 046136.
  • 3. Lee, M. J., Kim, K, Son, J. Son, and Lee, D.-S (2020) "optimizing hospital distribution across districts to reduce tuberculosis fatalities", Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8603.
  • 4. Lee, M. J. and Lee, D.-S (2019) "Understanding the temporal pattern of spreading in heterogeneous networks: Theory of the mean infection time", Physical Review E 99 (3), 032309.
  • 5. Lee, M. J. and Kim, B. J. (2017) "Spatial uniformity in the power-grid system", Physical Review E 95 (4), 042316.
  • 6. Lee, M. J., Yi, S. D., and Kim, B. J. (2014) "Finite-time and finite-size scaling of the Kuramoto oscillators", Physical Review Letters 112 (7), 074102.
Research Topics
  • Modeling an organization mechanism of the bacterial metabolic network
  • Detection of core organization of metabolism
  • Optimizing the hospital distribution to minimize the tuberculosis fatalities
  • Pattern of epidemic spreading in heterogeneous networks
  • Pattern formation of plaque depending on SNPs of filovirus
  • 5470종의 박테리아 신진대사 네트워크 형성 매커니즘 모형 제안
  • 네트워크 분석 기법을 통한 신진대사를 구성하는 주요 화학반응과 화합물 감지
  • 결핵환자의 사망자 수를 최소화하기 위한 병원배치의 최적화
  • 비균질적인 접촉 네트워크에서 감염병 확산 패턴, 서울시 COVID-19 확진자 데이터를 이용한 확산 패턴 이해
  • filovirus의 SNPs 종류에 따른 Plaque 형성 패턴 이해